You can help lots of people by donating a little. See our causes.

Education to Every Child

Our organization stands for the right to education for every child and person on this planet.


Primary School for Kids

This cause is meant to raise funds to build a chain of schools in Malawi, Burundi,…


Education for Everyone

In the XXI century, there are still plenty of countries where education is forbidden to women.


Donate Blood & Save a Life

We still have a few more charitable rounds to go before
Charlie can return to normal. In the meantime, we are
so grateful to everyone who participated in the last month's

Become a Volunteer

Volunteers are a valuable resource to support the planet. Hope is more than ten thousand volunteers in different countries. Our primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being.


What Our Donors the World over Are Saying

You do a wonderful job with the kids that require our help and support the people in need all over the globe. I will definitely join you as a volunteer!

Lorraine Franklin

It's always a pleasure to work with these guys - they know what they want and that is why they achieve their goals. Thanks a lot for the team spirit and your work!

Brett Lewis

Your performance under the most trying circumstances was nothing less than exemplary. You are the sole reason our rescue mission actually happened! Cannot thank you enough.

Dianna Young

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Donate Today to Save Children From the Trauma of Abuse